Professional Camera Cage

Professional Camera Cage: – While buying a camera cage, stick with a solitary manufacturer and don’t go cheap. A lot of different manufacturers make camera cages ranging from top-of-the line to Chinese-made imitations. The known brands typically get camera specs before new camera bodies are announced, so they can have units prepared when the cameras are transported.
Keep in mind, the end product tends to reflect its price in cages. In this manner, it’s a good idea to stay with a solitary manufacturer. Mounting points and screw types shift across brands, so you can undoubtedly wind up with a handle that doesn’t fit right or an arm that won’t screw down.
What is a Professional Camera Cage?
A professional camera cage is a grip, mount, bracket, as well as housing for your camera that serves different needs including protecting your camera, permitting better hand-held use, and providing various mounting points for video accessories.
There aren’t any universal camera cages since there are such countless styles and sizes of cameras utilized for videography, however, there are some that can be utilized or adapted to a variety of cameras.
What are the Reasons why a Professional Camera Cage is Important?
Below are a few reasons why a camera cage will make your life easier.
1. Protect Your Camera
In the event that the camera is dropped or scrapped, a cage ought to save the outside from getting damaged. A good cage will protect the camera from bearing the weight of being conveyed by a top handle the cage absorbs the stress and not the camera body. This is even more significant with more modest DSLRs and mirrorless cameras made using lighter plastics.
2. Added Mounting Points
Most expert producers seldom utilize their cameras as they come out of the case. They add remote video and sound frameworks, follow focus controls, and external batteries. Without a cage, the single cold Shoe Mounts that accompany most cameras quickly get used up. A professional camera cage gives provides lots of mounting points, which you can customize to your requirements.
3. Resale Value
For a second-head camera, that could be hundreds — on the off chance that not thousands — of dollars. Utilizing a professional camera cage implies not getting the small tool checks and imperfections each camera gets when you change tripod plates or install and uninstall the handle.
4. Better Ergonomics
Mirror-less cameras don’t accompany handles, however, even the digital cinema cameras that truly do have them — like the cannon cinema range have them in a fixed position. This is perfect for a stock lens, yet in the event that you begin adding a large zoom at the front, or battery packs at the back of your camera, the built-in handle can be a long way from the center of gravity, and make carrying the camera awkwardly. A professional camera cage allows you to reposition your handle for better ergonomics.
5. Perceived Professionalism
There are a lot of camera accessories, for the most part, used to make a camera look more professional and intrigue clients instead of adding any kind of functionality. However much we as a whole realize that talent makes great media, appearing on set with a professional camera cage differentiates your camera from the client’s camera at home.
Benefits of a Professional Camera Cage
- One of the benefits of utilizing a professional camera cage is additional stability. Using compatible lens cameras for videography gives incredible video recording capabilities.
- Yet, since the greater part of these cameras were designed primarily around still photography, the form factor doesn’t fit holding easily and consistently while shooting video.
- One of the advantages of professional camera cage is that it instantly changes the form factor to something more appropriate to video.
- The camera cage gives you mounting points that balance the occasionally weighty accessories utilized in serious videography.
- Accessories like a video monitor would put a lot of weight on the implicit accessory shoe on the camera. Afterward, it takes up the spot you need for a shotgun mic. The camera cage tackles that issue, as well.
How to use a Professional Camera Cage?
- Utilizing camera cages automatically changes your production thoughts to an alternate level. Regardless of whether that is a more significant level relies on how you utilize the tools available to you.
- A professional camera cage doesn’t really do anything all alone. It permits you to do without a hitch and easily that’s what is significant.
- Returning to the professional camera cage, in the event that you add lens support and follow the focus system, you can mount the whole rig on a quality video tripod and perform advanced video techniques easily.
- Follow focus is a strategy used to maintain the subject in focus while tracking the camera.
- The bottom rods and added lens support likewise give us a steadier platform for lens filter systems and matte boxes.
- Matte boxes are a staple of serious video and cinematographic production to control lens flare and other optical tricks utilized in film creation.
- Professional Camera cages likewise mount and unmounted rapidly and safely from tripods with fast-release systems, making them ideal for rapid changes of perspective or to transform from a static view to an immersive view.
- While utilizing professional camera cages as handheld gadgets, the top handle gives a substantially more agreeable method for holding the camera rig for better, smoother video footage.
Having a superior work process for videography frequently brings about liberating our psyche to be more creative and furthermore it helps keep us focused on significant parts of our specialty like exposure, composition, and lighting, which improves work from us.
So, in a way, Some accessories and tools help make us better videographers. But only if you already know what makes a great video, great stories, and something other you can try a professional camera cage. Professional camera cages truly does nothing other than hold stuff for us. But sometimes, that’s all we need to free us up to make better videos.